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Zullys Lashes

♡ Bonder ♡

♡ Bonder ♡

Regular price $25.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 USD
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ALWAYS REMEMBER, TIME IS MONEY! Our supreme bonder was made to seal adhesive instantly, ensuring there will be no strong fumes Irritating your clients eyes. This bonder cures from the outside to the inside ensuring that your clients lashes will will have a longer life

*Same formula as our lavish bonder just in a bigger bottle with more amount of product*

-Compatible with any adhesive

-Speeds up adhesives dry time

-Seals the bond between Lash extensions and Natural lashes.


SHELF LIFE: Closed 2 years, opened 6-8 months 



•wait for 2-3 min after the lash extension is applied.

•Use a micro-tip wand or lip applicator to apply bonder.

•Dip into bonder & apply to the base of the lash extensions where the adhesive was placed.

•let the bonder sit for about 1 min before misting or drying

•Nano-mist (optional) •Lastly dry with desired fan

•This Bonder will seal instantly for maximum retention

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